Thursday, December 21, 2017

Weird Things... and The Society

I had the weirdest sensation yesterday. Weird. Unique. But lately not unusual. Let me explain.

I've been baristaing near my place. With tips it's just enough to get by so it keeps me smiling even if it's fake (not always). By the end of my shift I can't stand the smell of coffee so I treat myself with a boba nearby. I was sitting, and someone touched me. She just wanted me to move my chair, but it affected me so much I literally just stood and ran away. 

I am a weirdo.

What was it?! As her hand lifted to  reaching for the middle of my back her pinky grazed against my spine. Immediately I froze. My pinky on my right hand started to twitch.

Then her hand lowered onto my spine. First her thumb... I clutched my boba and gasped... then her index finger... and like that some invisible tumbler in me clicked. 

And I ran. 

Pinky. Thumb and Index.

Like some song I know by heart, my hand starts doing it on my wrist as I hug it close to myself. Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.
Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.
Pinky. Thumb and Index. Thumb and Pinky.

What is wrong with me?

Weird right? But not unusual. These things have been happening to me all the time. 

I told you yesterday that I can't seem to remember anything prior to three years ago? Well I think my parents are to blame. I think they either have damaged my memory or there's something so damaging that I'm blocking it out. Either way, wouldn't you agree that a child should know these things? A child should not just be allowed to forget their trauma. Because now I am having to figure it out alone with no clues to guide me except the confusing images that surround me. Memories I know I haven't lived. Memories of my loved ones, my parents, Beverly, as children. Memories of that act like some time machine into my curiosity and feeds me with moments my heart seems to manufacture.  

The new footage of my dad that Eubanks has found ALSO very upsetting. Was never told he was in The Society. I couldn't even mention them growing up, but no of course not, they never had anything to do with it. Quiet Troy and Amy of Montauk never let on. Might have been good to know. 

It's no wonder I have a hard time telling fact from fiction. 

Anyway, speaking of 

The Society

Some of you are intimately aware of what The Society is... on the surface. Hell, some of you are low level members. 

And others of you have been assiduous researchers and journalists, interviewing subjects and going on missions up into The Mountain for The Bobo. 

But sometimes it's helpful to remember what's important. 

(For those looking for a primer, I think Chris Wollman's long form piece in Haunting does a better job than I ever could. Not all his findings match my own, but I'm no arbiter of The Truth.)

So when it comes to The Society, what are...


1) They want a moonchild.
The Society believe that a certain combo of magical elements can create a godlike human capable of great destruction or great healing depending on the circumstances of their birth.

2) It matters how and where a moonchild is born.
A moonchild that is born in pain, born in confinement, is gonna fuck shit up. 

3) Mary is being held against her will and is due any day now. 

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